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Sep 5, 2009

low mei ling

soon, one of my best friend, miss low mei ling will leave malaysia and go to united kingdom. she will stay there for at least one year for her degree. i hope she will be bright in her future there...and, found her love there, hopefully..
what my regards for her is, please be mature, please study hard, please miss me always...
what i hope is, must success in your study, must finish your degree in one year time, must life tough...
and what i don't hope is, don't always cry there, don't come back malaysia after few weeks you be there, don't miss your family too much and don't be FAT!!!!
so, must enjoy your life there and miss your friend, rachel yap always...
im always here with you..please do your best...


**meiling** said...

finally u wrote something for me!! yea, mummy rachel i will try my best study hard and get my degree for sure, but for the second one get my love there this im not sure, yuan feng this thing hard to say. but for the moment i just wan to study and really enjoy my life there, bf or not is not that important right??
hahaha,as ur wishes pls, i hope i can go thru all the hardest time there bravely and wouldt call u after few weeks told u that im in msia ald..and i dun wan to be FAT wei...bless me deep deep la..lastly,i will miss u and kai zai de, call u once i got to settle everything ok??
and and..mummy thanks alot..for everything!!take care and love ya..

Racheel Yap said...

haha...that one is just a wish for you..hopefully you can get your love one at there only..
ya, this is the first one that i wrote for you but not the last one..dun worry..
i also will miss you always here..
and, oscar not your kai zai please...

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